4 min readDec 28, 2021


After the last few years, crypto has experienced a bear market and the level of confidence in the industry has drastically decreased, due to the many problems of fraud, hacks, and government rejection. But 2020 became a turning point for the development of crypto, many people began to believe and find out what cryptocurrency and blockchain are. Financial Technology has experienced many revolutions in recent past. Just about two decades ago, Internet Banking was Automated Teller machine dispensing were the in thing. Today, Blockchain technology, Decentralized finance and Non Fungible tokens are now reshaping the way we generate and interact with finance. Where transactions remained confidential to the financial institution in question, they can now be made public, through a distributed ledger blockchain. Where third party intermediaries were required to facilitate transactions and execute them for two or more parties involved, individuals can now connect to their Blockchain wallets in a decentralized way, and carry out their transactions while remaining anonymous.

The ViCA Foundation operates an automatic dealing in virtual assets using ViBOT, an arbitrage trading solution from NROOTM Korea. The generated revenue from ViBOT burns the issued ViCA tokens (Buy-back and burn). We invest 40% of the foundation’s operating revenue to repurchase tokens, contributing to the interests of ViCA holders. The remaining proceeds are redeployed back to the assets of the automated trading system, accelerating profits through compound interest.

ViCA Token Platform

ViCA Token has realized an innovative virtual currency sharing financial model. ViCA creates a verifiable trust system that moves toward transparent disclosure and completion of microfinance architectures.

The ViCA Foundation operates an automatic dealing in virtual assets using ViBOT, an arbitrage trading solution from NROOTM Korea. The generated revenue from ViBOT burns the issued ViCA tokens (Buy-back and burn). We invest 40% of the foundation’s operating revenue to repurchase tokens, contributing to the interests of ViCA holders. The remaining proceeds are redeployed back to the assets of the automated trading system, accelerating profits through compound interest.

We did NOT distribute any single token in the pre-sale or development process such as ICO and IEO. Therefore, the number of tokens distributed in the market is small, yet even that continues to decrease. Then, the value of the token will increase. Moreover, the foundation’s assets run on automated trading systems increase, resulting in greater returns. The funds set as the foundation’s seed are not reused for any purpose, and transaction details are disclosed in a verifiable way (Live Streaming Service). ViCA has simplified its complex investment system by using the Ethereum ERC20 token ecosystem. This reduced cost becomes the underlying asset of the system again, accelerating the circulation of funds.

How It Works?

ViCA does not use excess funds to maintain prices. Initial Coin Offering (ICO) or Initial Exchange Offering (IEO) have NOT been made, and there is no plan to receive investment because it uses commercialized products (ready to go to market). Also, investors can minimize the cost of data to describe your business for investment purposes, which allows you to focus solely on maximizing arbitrage. We aim to pursue a sustainable business model by guaranteeing the interests of token holders, except for the minimum cost of maintaining this system and reinvesting in seed funds for system operations.

Future vision

Sharing Business Models
New Standard Finance Model
Perpetual Crypto Currency
Shared Platform Beyond Profit

Initial Token Distribution

Our ViCA Token distribution plan is here. It is advantageous to increase the value of ViCA by not using most of the tokens. That is why we proceed to burn. Burns are sequentially determined in quantity. A total of 1.8 billion tokens, 90% of the issuance volume, will be burned in stages. Our main purpose is to realize the profits of our investors!

The ViCA Foundation carries out a strategy to recover ViCA in the market using the Ethereum obtained from the profits. It is a structure in which those who purchase ViCA sooner get more profit. As disclosed in the white paper, due to the ‘ViCA balloon’, the exchange ratio of ViCA to Ethereum decreases and the value of ViCA rises exponentially.

Burning (1,800,000,000 ViCAs) 90.00%
Reserved holdings (100,000,000 ViCAs) 5.00%
Providing liquidity to the market (64,000,000 ViCAs) 3.20%
Initial Investor Distribution Quantity (36,000,000 ViCAs) 1.80%

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